PASTIME - traducción al árabe
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PASTIME - traducción al árabe

Hobbies; Hobbyist; Hobbyists; Pastime; Passtime; Hobby Activity; Recreational pursuits; Leisure pursuits
  • In [[Tristram Shandy]], the term "hobby-horse" was used to refer to whimsical obsessions, which led to the current use of the word "hobby"
  • A variety of flowers and vegetables in an indoor garden.
  • alt=Flash photo of a costumed magician at a party with several excited children.
  • alt=A collection of assorted seashells spread across a white background.
  • A [[stamp album]] used in [[stamp collecting]].
  • alt=A grey-haired person using a computer with two monitors.
  • model railroad]]



تَسَلٍّ ; تَسْلِيَة ; سَلْوَى ; لَهْو

اسْم : تسلية . سلوى . كل ما يُسلّيك
تسلية ، سلوى ، كل ما يسليك


Amusement, entertainment, diversion, sport, play, recreation.



A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. Participation in hobbies encourages acquiring substantial skills and knowledge in that area. A list of hobbies changes with renewed interests and developing fashions, making it diverse and lengthy. Hobbies tend to follow trends in society, for example stamp collecting was popular during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as postal systems were the main means of communication, while video games are more popular nowadays following technological advances. The advancing production and technology of the nineteenth century provided workers with more leisure time to engage in hobbies. Because of this, the efforts of people investing in hobbies has increased with time.

Hobbyists may be identified under three sub-categories: casual leisure which is intrinsically rewarding, short-lived, pleasurable activity requiring little or no preparation, serious leisure which is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer that is substantial, rewarding and results in a sense of accomplishment, and finally project-based leisure which is a short-term, often one-off, project that is rewarding.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para PASTIME
1. national pastime.
The Ball _ John Fox _ Talks at Google
2. Well, it's the American pastime,
Twilight (2008)
3. my favorite pastime that I've been
Magic for Humans _ Justin Willman _ Talks at Google
4. but it became a popular pastime.
Round About the Earth _ Joyce Chaplin _ Talks at Google
5. was that one of his favorite pastimes
An Impeccable Spy - Richard Sorge, Stalin's Master Agent _ Owen Matthews _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de PASTIME
1. Stealing foreign–made cars is a popular pastime in Ingushetia.
2. Investing in IPOs is a popular pastime in Hong Kong.
3. America‘s pastime still stirs in me an epiphany of sorts.
4. Drinking cold beer by the case was a favourite pastime.
5. Snowboarding has always been a popular winter pastime.